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Support SCDF

Difference: a significant change in or effect on a situation. This is what you mean to us.

For far too many, on too many days to count, you are THE DIFFERENCE. The difference between a painful existence and a hopeful life... you're the difference.

What you do and all that you give makes the difference in our ability to service those countless individuals who live daily with Sickle Cell Disease. When you give of your time, you are the difference between overworked and taxed staff members and professionals with enough energy to serve our purpose.

When you speak on our behalf, you are the difference between one child's unheard cry and a community's resounding voice. When you, our partners in total success remind us that we are not alone in this struggle to provide for a scarcely seen population with a life-altering disease, you become the difference.

Below are ways you can support.

Make a general donation
Donate to a specific program
Sponsor an event

Call us (909) 743-5226 or

toll free (877) 288-CURE.


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