Hemoglobin Trait Follow-Up Program
Free counseling and family testing for infants identified with sickle cell trait
The Sickle Cell Disease Foundation (SCDF) is a certified sickle cell trait counseling center. In partnership with the California Department of Public Health, Division of Genetic Disease Screening-Newborn Screening Program the SCDF provides parents of infants identified with sickle cell trait, hemoglobin C trait, and hemoglobin D trait FREE trait counseling and family testing.
What does this letter mean?
If you receive a trait notification letter from the Hemoglobin Trait Follow-Up Program, it means that your baby is a carrier of sickle cell trait or another hemoglobin trait.
What is Sickle Cell Trait or Other Hemoglobin Traits?
A person who carries a single gene for sickle cell disease (SCD) can pass this gene along to their children. Hemoglobin is a protein found in the red blood cells of all people. It gives blood its red color and carries oxygen to all parts of the body. A trait IS NOT A DISEASE and will not cause your baby to become ill.
Is there more information on hemoglobin or sickle cell trait?
What do I do now?
Information and free testing are available by calling the Newborn Screening Sickle Cell Trait Counselor at 1 (866) 954-2229. All of the services are confidential. Parents of infants identified with sickle cell trait, hemoglobin C trait, and hemoglobin D trait can learn more important information about hemoglobin traits by calling the hemoglobin trait toll-free number.